Stories to share:
“Be the One Mentees are excited about getting their own mentor. The mentor coordinator interviews every mentee so that the coordinator knows the mentee’s personality, interests and vision for their involvement. One time, a mentee did a little dance when they found out it was their turn for an interview. Another mentee was so excited about getting their own mentor, that they wrote down 6 reasons why they would personally benefit. They wrote, ‘Having someone to talk to is like a whole pound taken off your chest.’ There is a growing excitement surrounding Be the One at Ferndale High School!”
“The Ferndale School District Super Intendent, Linda Quinn, encourages her staff members to volunteer with Be the One if their schedule can permit it. As of this month, we have 4 mentors who work in the school district and another 4 who are just starting the process.”
November Goals:
- Goal: 27 mentoring matches Result: 30 matches
- 4 people attend Nov Orientation Result: 2 people – 10 people already signed up for Dec
December Goals:
- Onboard 6 new mentors – We need more mentors (10 girls/4 boys waiting for a mentor)
- 34 matches – Need 4 new matches every month to reach 50 matches by June
Mentoring Update:
- 30 Active Matches
- 3 mentors (2 male; 1 female) in the waiting pool – 2 more onboarding
- 9 mentees (2 male; 7 female) in waiting pool – 12 more onboarding (mostly girls)
- New Mentor Orientation: 2 people total
Other Activities
- BTO Coordinator meeting on November 12th. Hosted in Everson.
- Mentor Equipping on vaping within youth on November 5th. Hosted by BTO at Lynden High School.
Be the One Open House – November 25th 5:30-7:30pm
- Every FSD family received BTO flyer and invitation to BTO Open House
- 8 people signed up to be a mentor
Program Development
- Be the One mentor, Tammy Longstaff, applied for a grant for 1,000 dollars and it was accepted. FSD posted on their Facebook page and district website. Refer to this link for the full story:
- November is “Thank Your Mentor” Month. FHS Students filled out thank you cards to adults who have been influential in their lives on November 20th & 21st, during lunchtime. Notes are posted on BTO bulletin board and will be delivered to staff members in December.
- Be the One shirts orders processed this month.
- Be the One Pizza Party is scheduled for Thursday, December 19th 2:30-4:30pm in the FHS Cafeteria. A mentor and mentee are organizing the event.
- FHS now has an electronic visitor sign in system – all visitors must fill out the electronic volunteer form, which gives them a barcode that they will need to scan in. All mentors are signing in electronically.
- New Mentor Orientations Scheduled: December 11th 10-12pm, December 18th 12:30-2:30pm, January 10th 10-12pm, January 28th 1-3pm
- Big Goal: 50 active matches by end of the school year!