“Every Child who winds up doing well has had at least one stable and committed relationship with a supportive adult.”
-Center on the Developing Child Harvard U.
One Student, With One Adult, For One Hour A Week.
Every student needs a caring adult in their life to listen to them, believe in them, and to dream with them. We support healthy mentoring relationships for every interested student that enhances the development of strong virtues and work ethic, and the development of marketplace skills.
Volunteer one hour a week to bridge the gap in a student’s life and build hope for their future. Over the span of one school year experience first-hand how mentoring cultivates growth in your student. Your friendship, support and encouragement will help a student navigate toward their next education and/or work decisions.
Students of all proficiency levels and life situations are in need of good mentors. Many just need a caring adult to talk to. There is positive proof that students who have a close healthy relationship with at least one adult outside their family achieve brighter futures.
Investing in our future.
The overall vibrancy of our community is cultivated through affirming relationships with students. Mentoring relationships are proven to enhance student performance in school and to potentially improve the trajectory of their life.

“As a local employer, Lynden Door believes mentoring provides a critical link to support the transition of our high school students into local jobs and careers, well-trained. Lynden Door invests in Partners for Schools’ mentoring programs because, we as part of this community, as parents and as grand parents need to be involved in our kids’ lives.”
– Ted Bargen –