Stories to Share:
Relationships that last: It’s wonderful to see when mentors and students become lifelong friends. This month I had two mentors share updates with me about students who have already graduated, but still connect with their mentors on a regular basis.
“I just wanted to let you know I had lunch with L. last week. It was fun to pick her up on campus, take her out to lunch, and hear about her college life. She is doing well socially. She really likes it so far, and has great support from her family. We are planning on continuing to get together at least once a month. Just wanted to update you.” –LHS Mentor of student who graduated and attends WWU.
A mentor shared that she attended a baby shower for her former student and had a great time celebrating with her and meeting her family. I’m so glad she is a consistent presence and steady support in this young lady’s life. They have been through many ups and downs together over the past few years.
New friends connect right away: While checking with one pair who were meeting for the first time, I saw them chatting and solving a puzzle together. I asked how it was going getting to know each other. They both said together, “We found out we like all the same things!” The mentor said, “I can be here next week if you want to hang out with me.” The student replied with a huge smile, “I would love to!” First meetings don’t always go this way, but it sure is neat when they do!
Mentoring Update:
- 47 active matches; 3 more in process
- New Mentors: We had 4 go through Orientation in November. Next Lynden New Mentor Orientation will be December 11th. I also helped facilitate the first New Mentor Orientation at Nooksack and we had some of our experienced mentors share with the group.
- Mentor Equippings:
- November Session on Vaping: very well attended—28 mentors! We learned a lot.
- February 3/4 Understanding the Culture of Poverty (Whatcom Dream presenting)
- March 2/3 TBA
- Offering Youth Mental Health First Aid Classes: Dec. 7, March 14, May 2. Co-teaching with Brian. Registration for December 7 is currently open, but low enrollment may cause us to cancel and reschedule after the first of the year.
- Enjoying working with our colleagues at other schools. We continue to learn from each other and share ideas!
- On-going support to other schools: Continuing to support Nooksack by sharing our new mentor orientations and facilitating together. I enjoy working with Jim!
- Continuing to work on Policies and Procedures Manual (goal to finish this school year)
Other Activities
- November is National “Thank your Mentor” Month: At LHS we put up a bulletin board about taking the time to thank caring adults and the leadership class helped make a video. During lunch time, students had the opportunity to write thank you cards and display them on the bulletin board or give them directly to the person. Had some wonderful responses! I’ll be deliver them to staff members and mail the ones addressed to people outside the school.
- After School IMPROV on Tuesdays is going well. Averaging about 15 students with several new faces. Most of the students do not participate in sports or other extra-curricular activities, so it’s wonderful for them to have this group. Thankful that the district has the activity bus to cover their transportation needs!
- Saturday School : First session was on Nov. 16th. BTO volunteers scheduled served breakfast to 50 students that day!
- E-Sports Club on Thursdays. Four BTO mentors have been showing up each week to hang out and play games with the students as well as donate snacks. Thank you so much!
- Math Support: One of our mentors volunteered to come once a week to specifically help with math questions in Ms. B’s ELL access class. Students love it and ask “When is that math guy coming again?!”