Mentor Coordinator Report
Number of Current Matches: 43
Closing Matches: 10 (9 Seniors graduating, 1 mentor is moving)
May is full of fun outings and goodies! There were 2 outings mentors and students went on. They walked to Mugshots to get free drinks in early May and walked to Edaleen to get double scooped ice cream cones in late May. Every pair got a goodie bag to share – a fun travel-sized game & candy! The annual pair photos were distributed to mentors and students. Seniors and their mentors received individual bags that included a special Be the One tumbler and extra goodies! These activities and mementos help bring closure to the school year.
Last day of Mentoring was Friday May 31st. No mentoring meetings for June, July and August
Annie’s last day is technically June 12th, but due to family circumstances she may extend her duties until June 30th to complete her contracted hours.
A new Be the One coordinator will be hired for the 2024-2025 school year. Annie Anderson is writing case notes for the new coordinator.
Stories & Quotes To Share:
May is a time for mentors and students to reflect on the school year together. Many will show appreciation by writing notes, giving gifts or sharing their favorite moments together. One student drew a big “Thank You” to show his appreciation.
Be the One gave out goodie bags to seniors and their mentors to show our appreciation for their involvement in Be the One and their achievement in graduating! Many mentors gave their own graduation gifts to their mentees to celebrate graduation as well. Mentors with Seniors also discuss how they want to stay connected post-graduation. All pairs have fond memories of their time together in Be the One!
Submitted by Stacey Martin –