Mentor Coordinator Report
Number of Current Matches: 46
Mentoring by the Numbers at LMS
46 active matches at the middle school (The most matches all time at Lynden Middle School)
1 student will remain on our wait list until next year.
20 potential students interested or referred to the program (they will be contacted next year)
816 hours of mentoring so far this school year
We just had our end of the year event at AIM & GAME in Ferndale. Mentors and students had a great time playing games, throwing axes, shooting each other with Nerf guns, and winning a variety of prizes. Overall, there was mostly positive feedback about the event. Many of the students that attended had never been able to go to such a place. It was a great way to end things this year.
We are in the last week of mentoring for the school year. Students are filling out online surveys about their experiences throughout the year. They are writing thank you notes, and contemplating if they want to continue in the program next year.
Stories & Quotes To Share:
Paid Mentors?
A student has been meeting with his mentor for a few months now. They have connected well, but the student has been reserved to chat about difficult things. We know that relationships take time, and the mentor has been patient with his student. A few weeks ago, the student said something that shocked the mentor. The student commented “Well, you just come here because you get paid.” After the initial shock of such a statement the mentor told the student, “I don’t get paid to be here. I am here because I want to hang out with you!” The student seemed surprised by this statement of kindness. From that point on, the student has been more eager to talk, and the student can’t wait for his mentor to come each week.
End of the Year Fun
The end of a school year can be both a sad thing and a joyous occasion for our mentoring pairs. To make things a little more special, mentors come up with creative things to do on their last day of meeting together. This year, mentors did not disappoint. We had some mentors bring snacks and drinks for their students, while others brought a meaningful gift for them to enjoy. Other mentors brought in a fun game or sporting equipment to celebrate their last day. One mentor has had an annual “tailgate party” with pizza and fun drinks. Mentors also brought lunch for their mentees from their favorite restaurants. Seeing the creativity and generosity of our mentors is inspiring.
Submitted by Brian Clemmer –