Ferndale High School – April 2024

Mentor Coordinator Report

Number of Current Matches: 35 pairs meet regularly- 1 new match starting in April

Photos and interviews are done! Annie was able to navigate schedules once again and carve out times for mentors and mentees to meet with Nancy for end of year interviews. It is always fun to get the feedback from someone who doesn’t see the pairs weekly.
All matches met throughout April with the exception of spring break. A couple matches needed to stop because of scheduling conflicts from either the mentor, mentee, or both, but hoping they may be able to restart in the fall.
Four meetings to go! Matches will wrap up at the end of May which only gives a few weeks left for mentoring. In that time matches will be able to walk together to get a drink at Hot Shots and also for a treat at Edaleen. It is an exciting time of year, but can also bring mixed emotions for those mentees who will miss their weekly time with their mentors over summer.

End of the year celebrations are coming up. Matches enjoy treats sponsored by Eadaleen's and Mug Shots. The students and mentors really enjoy these fun outings.

Stories & Quotes To Share:

Mentee offers encouragement
A mentor has been ill recently and their mentee is missing their time together. The mentee made a card and wrote a really sweet note to be delivered to their mentor for encouragement. They aren’t quite sure when they will be able to meet again, but they are trying to keep in contact while they wait. Sometimes mentees take care of their mentees too!
Birthday surprise
A mentor brought a birthday gift for their mentee: a how to draw book of the mentee’s favorite video game. The look of excitement and happiness on the mentee’s face when the gift was opened was priceless.

Submitted by Annie Anderson – annie.anderson@ferndalesd.org