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Ferndale High School
29 matches meeting regularly
A few new matches started + a few more on the horizon!
8 students to be matched
Matches are up and running! Everyone has reconnected and are continuing to catch up after having
missed each other over summer. Michele made a few new matches this month and they are really
strong pairs. It is hard to keep a running tab of how many are meeting regularly, how many new
matches are being made, and how many students are ready for a mentor because the program
continues to evolve on a weekly basis. Michele is making a few more potential matches this week
before the schedule seems to get a little wonky with conferences and the holiday season fast
Hard to believe my (Stacey) time is up at FHS. I have thoroughly enjoyed these last two months
working with Michele and with the staff, mentors, and mentees at Ferndale High School. As a sub,
I have again gained new perspectives and a wealth of information to apply to the program at Lynden
Christian as well. The program that Annie and Michele have continued to nurture and grow with
the support of the Locker’s and the BTO support staff is making a difference in Ferndale. I will
forever be in awe of the mentors who show up each week to meet their mentee right where they are
and provide support and consistency.
A mentor who graduated from FHS a handful of years ago decided to bring her yearbook from
when she was in school. She brought her sophomore yearbook (her mentee is currently a
sophomore) and her and her mentee combed through it. They had so much fun that they decided
the mentor would bring her junior and senior year book next year and the year after. The loved
looking at the differences and comparing the school, styles, and trends. It was just a fun way to
First meeting of the year
Most matches made their connection in September, but a few just started back up in October (even
one on the very last day of October). When the mentee walked in to see their mentor for their first
match of the year he tried to be coy and act like he wasn’t excited to see his mentor, but they quickly
warmed up and the mentee couldn’t hide his joy that they were back together again. It can be hard
to pick up where they left off before summer, but with time pairs typically get back to that expected
level of comfort.
- Michele has been meeting with potential mentors and students and making matches as
they come! - Annie returns from maternity leave November 1st
- New Mentor Orientation: November 7 at FHS hosted by Annie
- Mentor Equipping November 13/14: “Depression/Anxiety in Teens” by Jordan Feigal
Lynden High School
Stories to Share:
Pumpkins, Pumpkins, Pumpkins! Mentors and students enjoyed decorating mini pumpkins together
during this month. Because Green Barn generously donated over 100 pumpkins, everyone who wanted
to could show their creativity and enter our First Annual BTO Pumpkin Decorating Contest. Creations
were amazing! I took photos of students and mentors with their pumpkins to share with them. Our
judges had a difficult time selecting the finalists, which included a “corpse bride pumpkin” a “hello kitty”
pumpkin and a carved “hobbit style” pumpkin house complete with greenery and mushrooms on the
roof. The winners received certificates and tokens for Edaleen ice cream. Photos with media releases
will show up on our website and facebook pages for everyone to enjoy.
Keep up the good work! Mentors see students through ups and downs and celebrate accomplishments.
This fall one sophomore has shown so much improvement compared to last year: Her grades,
attendance, and behavior are on a positive upswing. She’s working hard and proudly reported she
had an A on her last Geometry test. What a pleasure to see how she is making better choices and
recognizing how friends and habits influence how she does in school. Keep up the good work! We
always tell mentors that change comes slowly, and we must take a long-term perspective.
Double Thumbs Up: One of my seniors who has been with a mentor for 5 years had to say good-bye this
fall when his mentor couldn’t continue for health reasons. We had a closure meeting, and I put the
student back on my waitlist. I didn’t think it would be very easy to find another mentor for this
student, but a few weeks later, he and his new mentor hit it off right way. When I asked the student
how he felt about it, he said “Great!” and gave me a double thumbs up signal. This illustrates a very
important aspect of best practices in our program: when closure is handled in a positive and respectful
manner, students are more able and willing to trust other relationships in the future.
Highlights from this month:
- 63 matches! The most I have every had at LHS
- 3 new matches this month for students who had been waiting
- October Mentor Equipping: 40 mentors from our various schools attended a training on Gen Z, “Zoomers vs. Boomers” taught by Gabrielle Roberts. She did a great job and mentors learned a lot about generational differences to understand their mentees better.
- We had 2 New Mentor Orientations in October. Both had several attendees who are moving forward to mentor. One was matched by the next week!
- Brian and I taught Youth Mental Health First Aid on October 28th: 8 mentors attended a Saturday class to better support their mentees and young people in our community.
- Pumpkins, pumpkins, and more pumpkins! Thanks to a generous donation by Green Barn, mentors and students had the opportunity to decorate mini pumpkins together. We will be making a thank you poster with photos.
- Collecting merch orders! Many people are enjoying some of the new colors and logo options for this year. New merch should be in before Christmas break.

- New Mentor Orientation on November 17 th
- Mentor Equipping November 13/14: “Depression/Anxiety in Teens” by Jordan Feigal
- Several days off school in November means some mentors and students will miss meetings
- November 3 Crisis Mobile Response Team Training: Brian and I have been asked to attend this training and be part of the response team in our district
- December 2: First Saturday School this year. BTO provides breakfast
Lynden Middle School
Lynden Christian High School
FOUR pairs meeting weekly at Lynden Christian Schools (2 at HS+ 1 at MS)
ONE new match started at the high school this month
ONE pending match slated to start this month at the middle school
THREE students have been referred or are interested in having a mentor
In October I had the opportunity to meet with a handful of students who expressed interest
in possibly having a mentor. Many of the students took the paperwork home to think about
it, and one brought her paperwork back signed and ready to go. When I interviewed the
student, I had a mentor in mind who I thought would be a good fit. They met for the first
time, and instantly connected. Both are looking forward to meeting again.
I had the chance to connect with a few mentors whose previous student either graduated or
couldn’t continue this year. Many are still connected with their former mentees. One pair
meets monthly just to catch up, another meets biweekly and have started a bible study
together, one student is off at college, but checks in with her mentor too! It is exciting and
encouraging to hear that the relationships they formed at LC are carrying on into adulthood.
Mentors make a difference- as we rebuild again this year I am so grateful for the mentors
at LC who are patient, steadfast, and understanding. Willing to stay, willing to serve where
is needed, and always ready to meet their mentee right where they are. Thank you mentors!
- October 31, I wrapped up my coordinator subbing job at Ferndale High school. I
thoroughly enjoyed my time there and gleaned a lot of useful tools that I can bring
back to my role at Lynden Christian. - Lisa Reynolds hosted a mentor equipping session at LMS in October which gave
mentors the opportunity to further examine generational differences between Gen
Z, Gen X, Boomers and beyond.
UPCOMING PLANS: - Mentor Equipping November 13/14: “Depression/Anxiety in Teens” by Jordan
Feigal - New Mentor Orientation is schedule at Lynden Middle School, November 17
from 9:00-11:00am
Nooksack Valley High School
More questions, contact us here.