Stories & snippets
· Michael and Edgar were matched at the tail end of two historic floods in the Valley and shortly before our winter break. Coming back in January we were faced with freezing temperatures damaging our High School and resulting in students moving to remote learning for the first week of January. Wednesday night brought another wave of snow and cold. On Thursday Michael was online early and ready for his third meeting with Edgar. The frequently adjusted schedules and ever shifting weather has left us with few consistent connections. For Michael, and others, mentoring has been a source of stability, support, and strength.
January focus:
· Supporting virtual (ZOOM) matches while hoping for the return of mentors to campus.
· Supporting mentors and students in this liminal time.
Looking ahead:
· Mentor training related to encouraging deeper conversations with mentor matches. Sessions on February 8 & 9.
· Working and hoping for a return to on-campus mentoring meetings.
· Recruiting and onboarding new mentors and new matches.