Nooksack Valley High School & Middle School
Be The One Coordinator Report
March 2020
Stories to share (names have been changed):
- Thanks to (mentor) Stephen Young (actual name, permission given). Stephen helped build our Connect Mentor program that paved the way for BTO NV Schools. Unfortunately (for us) Stephen and his family have moved to Iowa because of a career change. We will miss Stephen and long remember his faithful caring for numerous students. In leaving Stephen gave gifts to his two final students that will make lifetime memories. He gave Benny a finely prepared steak. The other student went home (with parents’ permission) with a scorpion, live scorpion that is. We appreciate both the relationships and memories that Stephen forged over the years.
- In the spirit of cooperation and seeking what is best for students we were able to work with Lisa and Brian, Lynden BTO Coordinators, and help two students and their Mentors transfer from Lynden Schools to continued Mentor Matches at Nooksack Valley Schools. The time of school transition is difficult, and Mentors can provide much needed extra support.
March Mentoring Update:
- We have a total of 17 matches, 6 Middle School, 11 high school (2 High School are ending with Stephen’s moving)
- 2 Mentors completed the process and in the matching phase
- Hosted an Orientation and have 1 mentor in the application process
- Met with area Coordinators
- Attended/facilitated Mentor Equipping with a focus on “Understanding Youth and young Adult Culture”
- Presented BTO and mentoring opportunities at our district Hispanic Family Night
- Worked with other BTO Mentor Coordinators and NV Schools Leadership to develop a Mentoring system during school closure that resulted in a system of email/mail communication during the extended closure
Looking ahead:
- Working to keep Mentoring alive during this unique season and prepare for what will be a new adventure on the other side