Nooksack High School December 2024

Mentor Coordinator Report

Stories & Quotes To Share:
Never too Old for a BTO mentor

One of the new mentees who just started participating in BTO this year is a senior.  He loved the idea of having someone to connect with and help him finish up high school on a high note!  

 Old Tyme Christmas – 1900’s style

This month, I invited each one of our mentees to come to my office for a blank Christmas card or thank you note.  I let them know they could swing by anytime if they wanted to write a little something to their mentor.  Most took me up on it.  And it was obvious that many had never written a card and most had a few questions about where to write and what to say.  It was a good learning experience and a reminder to show gratitude to those who invest in us…and a great way for this generation to try something new… handwriting a card.  

 Seen, heard and known 

A freshman mentee was matched with his mentor in November.  Yesterday he told me that he looks forward to his weekly time with his mentor because ‘he can’t discuss actual issues at home.’  His time with his mentor is the only time he feels seen and heard. It’s been a pleasure to watch this mentor and mentee get to know, like and trust each other over the past 6 weeks.  

31 hours of mentoring in December
New Mentor Orientation at NVHS on 12/6
Be the One Merchandise order arrived and was delivered on 12/12
Mentors lunch at NVHS on 12/12 
Area Mentor Coordinator Meetup 12/18
Missy knows 92 students by name (Goal is 100 by Winter Break!  One day left!) 

Missy’s highlight:

One of the mentees is not sure if she will be coming back after Winter Break.  Her family is being evicted and she is not sure where they plan to go.  This is just one of the many stressors in her life.  And yet… she referred a friend to the Be the One program this month.  A friend who is hurting, sad and because of a good friend, now waiting for a mentor.  Can you imagine?  With so much chaos and trauma going on in her own life, this mentee still thought about her friend’s hurts and that her friend needed someone to talk to.  I am so proud of this student!  And I know that her many consistent hours week after week with her mentor over the last 2 years has given her the ability to look beyond her own circumstances and care for others, even with her own hurts and challenges.  

Winter Break 12/23/24 -1/3/25.  Matches start back up on 1/6/2025
January New Mentor Orientation at LMS on 1/14 @ LMS 
February New Mentor Orientation at LMS on 2/7 @ LMS 
End of semester (schedule change) 1/30/25
February Mentor Equipping with Mike Black MA, LMFT
Monday Evening, February 10th, 6:30-8:00 pm
Tuesday Morning, February 11th, 10:00-11:30 am

Number of Current Matches: 15

Submitted by Missy Rus –