Stories to Share
Impact Beyond Mentoring
One mentor received a huge surprise in the mail. A former mentee had sent her a heartwarming letter. The mentee has been struggling since she moved away. She was facing a new school and some other major changes in her life. She even experienced some hardship from the floods in the fall. The former mentee poured out her heart to the mentor in a thoughtful letter. This story shows us that mentoring sometimes continues long after the mentoring program. I am glad the girl felt the freedom to write. She may have a mentor for life.
Evidence of Success
A teacher wanted to talk to me about a student in our program. When this takes place, usually a teacher is concerned for a struggling student. However, the teacher told me something very intriguing. She said she was seeing tremendous changes in a particular student, especially since they started meeting with their new mentor. The student has made improvements academically and socially. The student seems to be more joyful and is willing to participate in class activities. The teacher wanted me to know the mentoring program is making a impact and it is evident.
Instant Connection
A mentor and student met each other for the first time a few weeks ago. Instantly, the two connected well together. They have fun every time they get together. Now, they are plotting to write a book together. This match was like seeing long lost friends unite once again. One thing I love about this program is how much students and mentors have fun together no matter their age.
Mentoring by the Numbers at LMS
- 39 active matches at the middle school
- 2 new matches were made in the month of April
- 5 Students on our wait list, waiting for a mentor
- 28 potential students interested in the program or referred by staff
- 490 hours of mentoring so far this school year
Program Update
- New mentor orientation: With such a high number of students on our wait list at the end of this year, I decided to have a quick orientation, to get a few more mentors in. 2 people attended.
- BTO policy and procedure manual: Still working through it.
- New matches are going well. The most matches we have ever had at LMS is 40. We are so close.
- We are awaiting BTO merchandise ordered last month.
- Celebration Boat Trip on May 20th.
- End of the year mentee interviews scheduled for May 16 – 18
- Final mentoring meetings will be May 31 – June 3
- End of the year report