Wrapping it up:
This past month has been a whirlwind of activity with preparing to close out mentoring
relationships for the year. We received our new BTO merchandise, so everyone enjoyed receiving and
wearing it to school. We had end of the year interviews with Partners for Schools representatives. I’ve
been enjoying listening to them; it’s both amazing and gratifying to hear what students say about their
mentors. On May 20 th , we had a wonderful celebration cruise for mentors and students from LHS, LMS,
and LC. We lucked out to have a sunny evening and everyone seemed to have a great time.
Graduating seniors:
I have 6 seniors who are graduating this year who have had BTO mentors for
multiple years. Some have been together since 7 th grade. Rather than a story, I’m going to share quotes
from a couple senior interviews:

Senior boy, reflecting on mentor who has been in his life for 6 years: “Before, I didn’t have anyone to
talk to . . . my mom wasn’t there for me—she had 6 kids to worry about and take care of all the time. I
was doing my own thing . . . trying to get noticed and get some attention, usually not in a good way.
I went down a dark path for awhile before I came back.” This young man gives credit to his mentor for
helping him be more confident and encouraging him along the way. He is set to attend BTC next year.
Senior girl, reflecting on mentor who she met at the beginning of her freshman year: “It’s great to have
someone to talk to and relax a bit . . . I was hoping for another perspective from someone who has
experience . . . She is a great friend who has helped in so many ways . . . I definitely want to keep
meeting with her after graduation.” This young lady gives credit to her mentor for helping her with
schoolwork and studying for tests, as well as tackling family problems. She is planning to head to BTC
next year as a first generation college student.
Program Updates:
Saturday School on May 7 th —served breakfast to about 50 students
Final meetings: wrapping up the first week of June. Students who weren’t able to attend the
cruise will be given Edaleen gift cards and the chance to use those for their last mentor meeting
of the year. Thank you Edaleen’s!
Participated in interviews at Nooksack to hire new BTO coordinator there
Final surveys from mentors and students for feedback and future planning
End of year meeting with other coordinators on June 13
Teaching YMHFA class on June 18 th (with Brian, 25 people enrolled)
Writing up student stories and submitting end of year report
Last day of the school year is June 21st