“Hope is measurable, malleable, and attainable. It is not wishful thinking.”
~Casey Gwinn, from his book Hope Rising
Here’s a great life tip from Casey’s book:
“So many times angry people think peace will come from how a social service agency helps them or some institution responds to the wrong they have experienced. In all our research, the opposite is true. Peace starts with an individual and it comes into the world only through peaceful individuals. We must learn to live it in our words and actions instead of giving in to fear, hatred, or resignation (apathy). Remember, resignation or apathy is the opposite of hope.”
Who needs your hope-filled point of view today?
You are reading this message because you want to live well. You believe affirming relationships are the key to helping others live well too! Every day you deliver HOPE through your actions and attitudes to people around you. More than MENTORING,
Be the One is a MOVEMENT and a way of life for people like YOU. You are positively impacting the world through your hope-filled point of view.
Thank you for the buoyancy YOUR LIFE gives EVERY DAY to EVERYONE!
Changed Health Dept. recommendation may allow for mentoring meetings on campus…
Jim Frey, Lynden School District Superintendent, recently shared: “Based on the WCHD’s updated recommendation and the information provided in the DOH Decision Tree we will begin developing a phased reopening plan…”
‘Starting with remote learning with in-person services for high need students, then a slow phased-in expansion of in-person learning in order to allow schools to prepare for more in-person instruction and to test safety protocols’.
Details of how this will work vary depending on individual school district plans.
If you are a mentor, please reach out via email to your coordinator for specific details on your student’s campus.
Lynden: Lisa Reynolds, reynoldsl@lynden.wednet.edu & Brian Clemmer, clemmerb@lynden.wednet.edu
Ferndale: Annie Anderson, annie.anderson@ferndalesd.org
Nooksack: Jim Schmotzer, Jim.Schmotzer@nv.k12.wa.us
Lynden Christian: Stacey Martin, smartin@lyncs.org
New mentoring matches are on hold for now at public schools but the coordinators will re-evaluate their ability to make new matches in a month or so.
Mentor Coordinator positions exist because we as a community fund them. Your donations fuel meaningful relationships for students in your community.