Stories to share:
Vickie heard about Be the One when the Mentor Coordinator presented to her class at the beginning of the school year. She wanted a mentor who likes hunting and fishing, but was worried that there would not be a female mentor with the same interests. This month, Vickie met her mentor who rides horses, grew up fishing and is familiar with hunting. Vickie got exactly what she asked for! (Student name has been changed)
I met a student, Penelope, at the Be the One pizza party and off-handedly told her about Be the One. Many of her friends had mentors and talked fondly of their experience, too. This student heard there was a waiting list to get a mentor, so she decided not to ask for one. Recently, I had a mentor with work experience in the arts and I wanted to match her with a mentee who was in a similar class. The teacher thought of a student in her class and it was Penelope! She was so excited that she turned in her permission slip the next day and now they will begin in March! (Student name has been changed)
How do we know if a student values their time with their mentor? A mentee recently decided to take online courses, which means they will not be coming to the high school for their coursework. This student has a before-school commitment on campus and decided to stay a little longer once a week so she can still see her mentor. They have only been meeting for one semester, but their bond is strong!
February Goals:
Start 5 new matches – (Actual: 7 new matches)
36 matches – (Actual: 40 matches)
March Goals:
Start 5 new matches
45 matches – Need 4-5 new matches every month to reach 50 matches by June. We typically stop matching in April.
Mentoring Update:
40 Active Matches
1 match closed – Mentee is no longer at FHS
3 mentors (2 male; 3 female) waiting to be matched w/mentee – 2 more onboarding
8 mentees (3 male; 5 female) waiting to be matched w/mentor – 3 are already set to start in March
New Mentor Orientations: 5 people attended this month
Other Activities
BTO Coordinator meeting – February 18th. Hosted in Ferndale.
Ferndale School District Board Meeting – February 25th – BTO Presentation to board and Ferndale community members
Parent Advisory Committee; Lummi community members – February 26th 30th – BTO Presentation and collaboration
Program Development
In the process of creating an electronic application form for BTO Mentors that will automatically populate into CiviCore, our database.
Mentor Coordinator is now emailing out FHS Newsletter to mentors so that mentors can connect their mentee to opportunities and information.
Be the One is funded by financial donations from the community. The Levy failure does not directly affect Be the One.
Big Goal: 50 active matches by end of the school year!
**First photo is of a bookmark that a mentor and mentee colored together**