Dear Partners,
We are very excited to provide these BTO highlights.
- 85 affirming relationships last school year in Lynden through BTO TODAY.
- As of the end of September, Lynden HS has 45 active mentoring relationships, and growing.
- At Lynden MS we have 14 active matches, 3 more in progress and 10 more students waiting.
- Our added full-time mentor coordinator at LMS will increase this number dramatically.
- Ferndale High School has posted a BTO mentor coordinator position and will hire soon.
- Ferndale’s Community Engagement team is already hard at work with Ferndale community pillars Scott and Anita Locker leading the team for fund-raising and mentor recruitment.
- Ferndale community members are already expressing interest in becoming mentors.
- Jason Matthews, local youth pastor for the past 27 years and committed BTO mentor and mentor recruiter / trainer will be joining our board of directors in November.
- Doug DeVries, parent of LC student’s and mentor at LHS will be contributing his expertise in marketing by managing our social media and email communications. More regular email updates and exciting Facebook posts are something you can be watching for.
- Travis & Kara Millhollin are investing their business and non-profit expertise to our business planning and organizational structure.
- Discussions are underway with key stakeholders at Lynden Christian and we anticipate being able to bring BTO to Lynden Christian Schools sometime this school year.
- Our other BTO programs are starting to gain traction as we offer after-school classes and
support work-place readiness through our THRIVE and READY engagements.
A caring adult is one of the 5 things every youth needs to survive.
“If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?” –The Bible
Because of you, students aren’t just surviving; they are thriving. We are so grateful!
We are 100% locally funded by caring partners like you.
Warm Regards,
The Board of Partners for Schools