Lynden Middle School – November 2024

Stories & Quotes To Share:

Boys will be boys

A mentoring pair came into my office after their meeting and spent a few minutes laughing and trash-talking each other. They targeted each other’s hats, haircuts, game-playing skills and taste in fashion. The student left for his next class all smiles.  His mentor and I shared a chuckle about how fun these goofy kinds of conversations are.  Not every mentor meeting involves long heart to heart chats; Some are built on competitive banter and playful interactions.

November was a solid month for the Be the One program. I was able to set up weekly emails that can be used to alert students and staff about meetings. We had a great mentor equipping session this month! I recorded the entire training and was planning to edit it and upload it to the Be the One YouTube channel. However, my poor little work laptop lacked the power to edit the video. Which resulted in a crash and a corrupted file that erased the progress I made on the video. No worries, I passed the project off and we will make it availalbe on YouTube soon.

We planned a mentor Café day for December 4th to gather mentors to meet before the holidays.

• 24 current matches
• 2 new matches this month
• 3 students on the wait-list
• 4 new students in processing

December is a short month with a lot of our mentors being away for the holidays and visiting family. I have a few Christmas-themed activities for mentors and mentees that I want to do this month. Make-your-own Christmas Tree decorations, Hot Choco Cocktails and Samm-ta Claus are a few small activities that I hope can bring some good cheer to our matches and new students in the program. There is a chance that I will also be visiting the senior center at the request of some of the mentors to talk about the program.

Number of Current Matches: 24

Submitted by Samm Van Kirk –