Lynden Christian – November 2021 – Coordinator Report

There is something so wonderfully vulnerable about a parent who is willing to reach out looking for a way for their child to connect to another adult. Nearly half of the students who have come through my door have initially come because a parent was able to see the positive impact a mentor may have in their child’s life. To the parents- thank you!

We have a solid five matches right now. My hope is that we will be able to add another three to five matches between now and February, but I continue to trust that the matches we have at LC will continue to flourish, and the program will grow in God’s timing. I currently have three female mentors waiting to me matched which is encouraging. I have tentatively scheduled time to go through the health classes and possibly the English classes to present Be The One especially to freshman and sophomores again. It has been a different year yet again people are constantly being bombarded by loss physically,
mentally, relationally, and spiritually. I find myself teetering between not wanting to put any additional requests on teacher’s plates by trying to get into their classrooms, but also seeing the need in students.

This week I was able to meet with a middle schooler who gave me new motivation and hope for finding mentors, specifically male mentors. I do have some younger male students waiting for a mentor, and if we can find the right fit they are ready to commit. As we step full force into the Christmas season I want to hold hope for those travelling through a dark time. Students are facing new struggles, families are coping with loss, and lives continue to be affected by our ever-changing circumstances. There is also a lot of light if we seek to see. I see the light through the students boarding busses this morning to go out into homes in our community and work, or as I look at the back wall of the Fine Arts center during chapel and see the mountains of food, diapers, and goods to be donated to those in need.

Seek to see the good, and continue to hold hope for those who need it.
Hebrews 10:23 “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful.”

• Update: Five matches meeting regularly in person
• Need: Male mentors + student recommendations
• I am scheduled to circle through the health classes and looking for other ways to
connect with students
• I am planning another orientation in early January