Lynden Christian High School- October 2020


I ended September/began October by reaching out to all of the students (about 40) who had expressed some interest in possibly having a mentor. As I anticipated the general response was no response, but about 15 students did reply! Students either expressed an interest to schedule a one-on-one meeting with me or graciously let me know that after really thinking about it they didn’t want to have a mentor at this time. I am still exploring ways to reach out to the 25 that I haven’t been able to connect with in any capacity. My goal is to make the option of having a mentor a very organic and student driven decision. I have been attempting to have a presence at school during different times of day so that it might be easier for students to reach out to a familiar face.

Mentees: Five students have been interviewed and brought back parent permission slips. I have met with an additional four students and am waiting for their decision about whether or not they want to pursue a mentor partnership.

Mentors: Six mentors have been through orientation, cleared their background checks, and have been interviewed! Two of the screened mentors have had their first possible match meeting and four are patiently waiting. Five additional people have expressed interest in mentoring at LC, but have not attended orientation or returned their applications quite yet.


  • In October, I met with both mentors and mentees who are interested in the program. I am constantly accepting and seeking out new avenues to get the recruitment word out especially to prospective mentors.
  • Teachers and staff have done a great job at sending referrals to me, and letting me know of students they think could benefit from having a mentor.


  • TWO matches had their first meetings in October (our first two at LCHS)!
  • I am still training with Lisa Reynolds (LHS coordinator).


  • Our next Mentor Orientation/ Information Session is scheduled for,Wednesday, November 4 from 9:00-11:00am at LCHS.
  • Continuing to vet new mentor applicants + meet with students,
  • LCHS mentors have been invited to attend the Mentor Equipping session via Zoom on November 19!

Submitted by Stacey Martin