We are at a tipping point. I have two students who have returned all the paperwork needed to move forward with a mentor; one with papers in hand to have signed and returned, and two other students who are interested, but maybe not yet ready to take the leap of faith. I also have four female mentors who are ready, or almost ready, to be matched, as well as two male mentors who have expressed interest.
We are growing, but my prayer now is for knowledge and wisdom to match the right students with the right mentors. I will be praying this holiday season for clarity so when we return from break new matches can be made, and new relationships can begin to form. I am seeing the need for students to connect and wanting to connect, and now it will be about fostering those connections in the new year. A new match was formed at the end of last month, and both the mentor and mentee have been committed and excited to meet with one another each week.
I am looking forward to watching this relationship continue to blossom.
Updates, Needs and Upcoming Plans
- Five matches are meeting regularly in person. Two or three more are possibly going to start in early January.
- As usual, I am looking to grow both my student and mentor pool. I am scheduled to circle through the health classes in January, and am looking for other ways to connect with students.
- I am also putting messages together to go out in LC bulletins to drum up interests for new mentors as well.
Merry Christmas + Happy New Year!