Jessica first heard about Be the One during her sophomore health class and thought it might be nice to have someone to talk to. She admits it was a little awkward at first, but she quickly warmed up to her mentor, Elizabeth. They bonded over playing dominoes, sharing snacks, and laughing a lot! Sometimes they worked on schoolwork or talked about their pets or just life in general. Three years later, she can’t imagine life without her mentor’s friendship and looks forward to their weekly visits. She says Elizabeth showed her what a true friend really is, with none of the girl drama and fake friendships she experienced with her peers. “She let me know I could just be myself and not worry about what others think of me. During my freshman year, I just felt worn out. Then I got Elizabeth, and everything was better.” After graduation, they plan to continue getting together. “It feels so good to have someone who is there for me. We are friends for life!”